Sunday 22 February 2009

Theory of love #2: The amount of love someone feels for you is inversely proportional to how much you love them.

Luckily for me I’ve experiences this particular truth on the positive side (if you can call it that)

Allow me to ask you questions…

Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who CLEARLY feels a lot stronger for you then do for them?
It may sound cruel and perhaps even a little bit arrogant but there is often a time when the person you’re with cant seem to IMAGINE living without you….meanwhile you don’t feel quite as ecstatic with you’re “significant other”…

Now often times the person who seems madly in love will happily do what ever the other person would say, but even this god like power over another human being soon becomes more of a burden than a gift.

Sooner or later YOU are going to have to reach into you’re little love slaves rib cage and rip apart their heart before their very eyes…the result of which being your partner slowly begin to suffer an emotional implosion while you watch from afar wearing your Darth Vader helmet and trying desperately to convince yourself that you are NOT the bad guy…

The crux of my point is this…the more significant and important you see the person you’re with…the less it seems they are enthusiastic about you and vice versa.

Of course there are MANY exceptions and I’m sure many of you in relationships will dismiss what I’ve said as the ravings of a cynical loveless troll (and you’d be right)…


I suggest you take a closer look at the relationship between you and you’re partner and see if this theory has any bearing on you…


If after reading this you have no idea of what I’m saying and believe it to just be elegantly written B/S then it just might be that YOU are the love slave about to be crushed by the power of the “dark side”…may the force be with you.

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