Sunday 22 February 2009

I am Chad, hear me ROAR!...*cough*

If the world was a comic book I would DEFINATLY be a super villain, but not one of those timeless and memorable villains like "the joker" and "Dr octopus"...

I’d be more the nameless super villain which comes up with a truly ingenious yet overtly complicated scheme to capture the batman, only to be thwarted by his young metro-sexual sidekick and thrown into jail for about 4 episodes before I return again with a plan just as ingenious as the last...

you see, in this comic book world i am NOT a main character, rather a support role which shows off how awesome everyone else is all the while being completely helpless and unable to make any real impact on the story.

In terms of my relationship status I’m single, and I like to think its because I haven’t yet met anyone who I care for enough to pursue...


I get the sneaking suspicion that the reason I think this is because my ego does NOT want to admit that I am not as earth shatteringly beautiful as my mum would have me believe.


Life is still pretty good (even as a useless side-character) I’m an average student, attaining B-s and C's in my classes. Also I’m black which ensures that I will ALWAYS have at least a base level of "coolness" going for me. I’m healthy and athletic (very useful when chasing after busses or running away from batman and his underage toy-boy)
and I’m also pretty funny...

Marilyn Monroe once said that "if you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything"...
Marilyn Monroe was clearly a whore...
I suppose I understand her point. making people laugh is a valuable tool I’m guess and one I’ve gotten pretty good at using...perhaps I’m a little closer to the joker than first realized :D

P.S. a private message to robin…If the batman has been…you know… "mistreating” you…just follow this link.

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