Saturday 7 March 2009

Sex and Basketball

Recently I relalised that the only two major thinking points I have in my simple and shallow life are Sex and Basketball …
I then realized that those two things have a lot in common and I also realized that my philosophy to sex is almost IDENTICAL to my philosophy on basketball so allow me to give you a quick insight into Chad’s Philosophy on the beautifull game...both of them.

Go big or go HOME!

They say size doesn’t matter both in basketball AND in the bedroom however those of us who are any good at our chosen sport knows that this ISNT TRUE…it’s a lot EASIER to be good and impressive if you are gifted with extra… “Height” shall we say. But one thing is for sure, if you are NOT gifted with the height then you got to be smart about what you do…you gotta be able to go the distance…be able to change gear between fast AND when the situation demands it. Gotta know what move to make and what time and last but not least, you got to be even HARDER then any other player on the field.

(P.S just for clarification…I might be below average height in basketball but that is IT! understand!?)

Grind Push, work real hard.

GOOD basketball isn’t easy. Laziness and Selfish play will get you quickly KICKED of the court and sitting on the cold, cold bench!
if you want to just play for fun then that’s great, you can do what you want and play as Loose as you like…but if your trying to make a real IMPACT and show that you actually care about what your doing…then you gotta be willing to put your body through its paces, SWEAT and go to WORK for as long as it takes for you and your “teammate(s)” to get the win.

You gotta be good with BOTH hands…

A basketball player who can only use one hand is a weak player. As someone who to this day still finds himself unable to undo a bra with one hand (so damn fiddly!) This one applies to me too. The basketball court and PEOPLE are both symmetrical and so only being able to do things on one side makes you only half a player… it might work perfectly fine when you’re on your stronger side but… there are two of everything…and so only being able to work your magic one half kind of makes you…”predictable” and as everyone knows being versatile and unpredictable is what makes players exciting to watch (and play with)

Don’t get cocky!

So you’ve made a name for yourself, certain people know you as a GREAT Player and news of your recently successful *cough* games has begin to spread but don’t think that you’re gods gift to the game just yet!

In basketball (and in good old sex) you are only as good as your last game. Just because you blew the roof off last time doesn’t mean that you won’t absolutely SUCK next time so STAY ALERT!

Don’t be selfish…

Probably the most important rule in BOTH games is that you are NOT playing alone…if you were then you could do what ever you want….but when your playing basketball your aim cant be trying to get YOURSELF to score…you want to make YOUR TEAM score I.E you AND your team mate have to be able to leave the court feeling damn good about yourselves, knowing that you worked hard and you deserved your win…

You need to get to know what your team mates habits are, how they think, move and what moves they like to do…in knowing this you can give them exactly what they want WHEN and they WHERE they want it…and in tern, your team mate will probably go out of their way to return the favor…

Love the Game

Basketball is FUN never forget that…
despite the fact that you always want to do your best and be a complete STAR you need to be able to enjoy your time on court…by all means think about what your doing but don’t OVER think it…the game should be natural to everyone (I mean our ancestors have been playing for hundreds of years before us…)

If you don’t like your team mates then respect yourself enough to walk away from them…also be sure to Respect every team mate you encounter There’s NO forgiveness for disrespect in a game as Great as basketball, and weather your team mates like to play a slow patient game or high speed “fast-break” weather they like to play around on the outside for a while or go hard with the inside drive…you’ve gotta be able to keep up and Enjoy the game.

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